Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Break '08, Part Deux

In case you can't tell, I was getting a little tired of TE always being the star.  Not to mention that he's laying down in all of the pictures since TR hasn't been home to hold him during a lot of the photo ops.  This is my attempt at getting us both in the shot.  You can see from which side of the family he gets his double chin.

This is how TE likes to fall asleep - on someone's shoulder.  I am usually anxious for him to doze off so I can get things done around the house.  When he FINALLY does drift off, I get suckered into holding him for the entire nap.  There's something to be said for having him so close AND so quiet.  It's almost special:)

Needless to say, there are a lot of things around the house that don't seem to be getting done.  Oh well, there's always the next nap...

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